Wexford Town Ecclesial Camino - Discover Our Rich History of Faith

Fáilte romhaibh go bail ársa Loch Gorman - Welcome to the ancient town of Wexford

The history of Christianity in the town of Wexford begins with St. Ibar sometime in the 5th century. A contemporary of St. Patrick, according to the “Annals of the Four Masters” he came from Co. Down and built a little chapel and dwelling place in Begerin Island in Wexford Harbour.

If he came to the mainland at Wexford it is possible he landed at the ancient ferry point and came up Trimmer Lane to the site where Selskar Priory now stands. Viewed from above this site is seen to be circular indicating it could easily be of Celtic Origin. Ibar is the patron saint of Wexford town and his feast day is April 23rd.

The medieval town of Wexford had no less than thirteen small parishes within and surrounding its walls. It has been said that there was not an inch of ground that was not considered sacred.

Now, let’s begin our camino tour of Wexford…




St. John's


The Friary


Church of the Immaculate Conception


Methodist Church


The Church of St. Iberius


Presbyterian Church


The Friend's Meeting House


St. Patrick’s


St. Mary's


The Mass House


St. Peter's


The Penal Altar


Church of the Assumption


St. Dulogue


Church of the Holy Trinity


St. Michael's


St. Mary Magdelan's


Shrine to Our Lady of Wexford Rocklands

Heavenly Father,

Having followed in the footsteps of Saint Ibar and all the holy men and women of Wexford, help me to ponder the faith that they witnessed to and passed on.

Like Saint Ibar on Begerin Island in Wexford Harbour, may I preserve an island of peace within me where I can meet with you Lord and hear your voice.

Like our ancestors in faith throughout the ages of Wexford, may I seek to serve you Lord and all those
 I encounter on my journey.

When times are difficult, may I remember the struggles of the holy people of Wexford and persevere in life knowing that you are always with me.

And like Fr Roche who built the Twin Churches, help me to build the Kingdom of God here in my own time within my family and community.

May the Twin Church spires of Wexford, pointing gracefully to the sky, remind me to seek first your Kingdom and all other things shall then be added (Matt. 6:33).

I ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. 
Saint Ibar pray for us.

Ár mbuíochas libh as teacht linn ar an gCamino inniu. Beannacht Dé libh agus go dté sibh slán.

Our thanks to you for coming to walk with us on the Camino today. May God bless you and may you travel safely.