We seek to journey together, using all our available gifts, to support and to care, to listen and to serve each member of our community.” (from our Mission Statement).

The following is an update on the ongoing work of the Parish Pastoral Council.

  • Community Gatherings.  We are always looking for new ways for us to meet as a Community and to create space for encounter.  The next gathering has been organised for this Pentecost Sunday, 19th May.  Come and meet with us and fellow Parishioners in St. Bridget’s Centre, Roche’s Road between all Masses on the day.
  • Visitor Care Team.  The development of this team has been a tremendous success, the team has been welcomed by all of those who use the service, often leading on to further referrals for visits.
  • Sacramental Preparation.  Members of the Council are hoping to meet with local educators and parents, to discuss and research new models of preparing our families and young people to receive the Sacraments.
  • Fleadh Cheoil.  Excitement is building for the Fleadh Cheoil in August and as a parish we want to play our part too. With the help and tremendous work of local historians we have designed a Parish Programme for the days of the Fleadh.  It is too soon for us to divulge in full what is in store, but watch this space, it is very exciting!