The Friary - Wexford Camino
The Friary
The Franciscans arrived in Wexford in about 1255 AD. There was a church on the site from Viking times It was originally called the church of St Brigid and St John.
The Friary was surpressed by Henry VIll in 1540. The friars took control of their church again in 1622 but it was destroyed by Cromwellian forces after the siege of Wexford in 1649. The names of the friars who were killed by the Cromwellians are written at the back of the Church. The church was rebuilt by 1692. A small chapel in High Street served as the Friary until then.
The Friary served as the parish church of Wexford from 1692 until 1858 when the twin churches were opened. In 1986 the Franciscan friary had to close for extensive repairs they celebrated mass in the Church of St Iberius, the Church of Ireland on the Main Street.
Dear Saint Francis, once wordly and vain, you became humble and poor for the sake of Jesus and had an extraordinary love for the Crucified which showed itself in your body by the imprints of Christ’s Sacred Wounds. In our selfish and sensual age, how greatly we need your secret that draws countless men and women to imitate you. Teach us also great love for the poor and unswerving loyalty to the Vicar of Christ.