No Remnants
Saint Iberius
St. Ibar’s was the oldest of all the Wexford Churches. There are no remains whatever of it. Its approximate site is occupied by the present Protestant Church erected in the latter part of the Eighteenth Century.
The Church Of The Holy Trinity
There are no remnants of this Church. It stood at the foot of Wexford Castle and had a holy well nearby. It was most probably erected by the Danes who had great devotion to the Most Holy Trinity. Mr. Le Goiz, who visited Wexford in 1644, describes a ceremony carried out in the ruined Church, by the women of the town- “They come there in solemn procession. The oldest march first and the others follow, then take three turns around the ruins, make a reverence to the remains, kneel and recommence this ceremony many times.
At a later date these ruins disappeared altogether being used to repair the damage done to the castle by Cromwellian batteries in 1649.
Saint Doologue’s
No trace of this Church now remains except in legal documents of title. It was situated on the low-lying ground between the Castle (present Army Barracks) and the Bishopswater stream. Of Danish origin it was founded originally about 1060.
Saint Brigid’s Church
There was a Church of this name near the site of the present Bride St. Convent. The foundation stone of the Convent is said to have been hewn from a stone of the ancient structure.
Saint Peter’s
Situated outside the walls, in St. Peter’s Square, this was the Parish Church of a large district extending from the town wall to Coolree on the Mountain of Forth.
A link with the past was renewed for years on the occasion of the great public Procession of the Blessed Sacrament when Benediction is given in St. Peter’s Square. The beautiful Altar of Repose was erected on the approximate site of the ancient Church.