Parish Office
The Presbytery, 12 School St., Wexford
Angela Reville, Parish Secretary
Office opening times: 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
Tel: 053 9122055
Fax: 053 9121724
Parish Pastoral council Mission statement
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we strive to authentically live our baptismal promises, inspired by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, to be witnesses to faith, hope, and love, rooted in our past, living in the present and embracing the future. We welcome all to our Twin Churches and Friary, which are sacred spaces within our town, to create a culture of belonging and participation. We seek to journey together, using all our available gifts, to support and to care, to listen and to serve each member of our community.
Commentary on the Mission Statement:
Wexford Parish Pastoral Council was formed as a result of the Wexford Parish Mission in 2022. The Council has been active in several ministry roles and community building initiatives during this time. After much thoughtful consideration and prayer, the Council created a mission statement that sums up our beliefs and what we hope to achieve. The following is some commentary on the mission statement and what it means for the Pastoral Council and the Parish.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we strive to authentically live our baptismal promises.
The members of the Pastoral Council acknowledge that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. This means that we are current day disciples, learning from Jesus and doing our best to follow his example. To this end, we aim to live our baptismal promises in communion with God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and with the whole Church, in transmitting the faith.
Inspired by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, to be witnesses to faith, hope, and love, rooted in our past, living in the present and embracing the future.
We continually seek inspiration and guidance through the Word of God, especially the Gospel and the scriptural readings of the Mass. We are open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and recognise that the Spirit is always active in the Church and in the world.
Saint Paul tells us that faith, hope, and love dwell among followers of Christ (1 Cor 13:13), and we seek to foster a community that transmits the faith, looks forward in hope and lives together in love.
We acknowledge the sacrifices of those who have gone before us and passed on the faith. We recognise that mistakes have been made in the past and that sins have been committed. However, we are devoted to living and acting in the present and embrace the future, whatever blessings and challenges it may bring.
We welcome all to our Twin Churches and Friary, which are sacred spaces within our town, to create a culture of belonging and participation.
Our Twin Churches of the Assumption, Bride Street, and the Immaculate Conception, Rowe Street, together with the Franciscan Friary, are testament to the faith of the past and offer sacred spaces of peace and celebration in our parish. Within these buildings and across our parish we seek to create a community of belonging and participation where everyone feels welcomed and everyone has a role to play using the many gifts and talents of each parishioner.
We seek to journey together, using all our available gifts, to support and to care, to listen and to serve each member of our community.
We recognise that we are all on this pilgrim journey together as we travel towards the Father’s House, and we strive to support and care for each other on the way, using our many gifts, talents, and abilities. We endeavour to listen to all voices and allow all to share their views and feelings. We hope to serve everyone as best we can through personal connections and parish initiatives. And we ask for your prayers and collaboration to support the work of the Pastoral Council and the enrichment of our parish community.
The members of the Wexford Parish Pastoral Council are:
Aaron Corless, Br Denis Vaugh, Colette Somers, Darragh Lynott, David Sinnott, Fr Billy Swan (President), Fr James Cullen, Fr Michael O’Shea , Fr Robert Cojoc, Helen Murphy, Hilda Conway, Ibar Quirke, Joanne O’Keeffe (Secretary), Karen Lynott, Kathleen O’Shea, Mairead Sinnott , Neil Foley (Chairperson), Nick Murphy, Noreen O’Leary, Sr Brid Ryan , Sr Stephanie O’Brien, Teresa Hanrahan
Parish Primary Schools
From September 2014, boys enrolling in the St. John of God Primary School, Wexford CBS Primary and the Mercy School, St. John’s Road will be able to complete their education, from Junior Infants through to 6th Class.
A Common Enrolment Procedure will apply for enrolment to St. John of God Primary School, The Faythe, CBS Primary and the Mercy. Completed Application Forms for the School Year will be available in all three schools.
Parish Records
The Parish records of Rowe Street Church date back to 1671
The Parish records of Bride Street Church date back to 1883
To check through the records please contact the Sacristan.
Rowe Street Sacristy
Nick Murphy, Sacristan – Tel: 053 91 71918
Contact Nick: To check the availability of the church, to book Anniversary Masses, Weddings & Baptisms, and for Baptismal, Confirmation & Marriage Certificates. You can also buy various Mass Cards in the sacristy €10 each.
Bride Street Sacristy
Nick Murphy , Sacristan – Tel: 053 91 22560
Contact Nick : To check the availability of the church, to book Anniversary Masses, Weddings & Baptisms, and for Baptismal, Confirmation & Marriage Certificates. You can also buy various Mass Cards in the sacristy €10 each.
Parish Finance Committee
Jim Goggin, Chairperson
Brian MacGonagle, Treasurer
Tax Refunds: An income tax incentive scheme is available to anyone who contributes €250 or more per annum to the envelope collection and if you wish to avail of this please contact the parish office.
Parish Baptismal Team
To book a Baptism please contact the Parish Office.
Baptisms: 3 weeks notice required
Every Saturday: Bride St. @ 4pm
Every Sunday: Rowe St. @ 1pm
Sick or Housebound
Tune your radio into 106fm Monday – Saturday for 10am
Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Mass & Sunday 9am, 10am & 11am Mass.
You can also see all ceremonies on our Parish Webcam on this webpage.
If you would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office and they will arrange for the priest from your area to call to your home.